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Lower field

McKendree Key, 2003

Comment of Brecht Debackere:
The uniform white background is shortly acompanied by some twigs, presents the viewer with a grip on the space... which is quickly taken from him and goes back to the desorienting play between the ball and the camera.

bal, snow

One plastic ball, one backpack leaf blower, one digital video camera

Lower field, 2003
McKendree Key

Untitled, 2004
Brecht Debackere

Tunnel, 2004
Mathijs bannink

6,3 mld kaarsen, 2003
Martin Takken

6,3 mld kaarsen, 2003
Martin Takken

Tunnel, 2004
Mathijs bannink

Untitled, 2004
Brecht Debackere


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